Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Nightmare (An incomplete poem written in the context of the wave of terrorism)


How to find the missing beam
How to trace the subtle gleam
When things are not what they seem

Tears n blood flowing in a stream
In shady dark dales with no seam
Rubbing my eyes if it be a dream
But things are not what they seem

Taking a bath in this bloody brook
Is what they mean dear what they book
Doth you know what does it mean?
Trooth, prophesy or a bad dream
Ah! But things are not what they seem

An infernal lake at a stone’s throw
Sucking all the blood, I trow
Trickling tears tearing the tryst
The pool getting bigger with no rest
Laying its ebby arms on gray n green
But things are not what they seem

Amer Rizwan

1 comment:

umar said...

touching and moving. much more would have come,had he not parted untimely.